Hampton VA DUI Attorneys | Hampton, VA DWI Lawyers | Hampton, Virginia DWI Law Firms
Experienced Hampton, Virginia DWI Attorneys
Arrested for a DUI or DWI in Hampton, Virginia? As you probably realized, the consequences can be very severe if you are found guilty of violating laws on DUI in Virginia. Hiring an experienced Hampton DWI lawyer is the best way to protect your rights. There is no reason to wait. You can contact an experienced DUI attorney by filling out the questionnaire to the left. All initial consultations with Hampton DUI attorneys on this website are free.
You cannot afford not to hire a local Hampton DUI lawyer. A guilty plea will potentially cost you your freedom (jail time), your finances (thousands in fines by the government), and unbelievably high insurance rates (mandatory SR22 Insurance).
Don’t lose hope: Speak to a qualified Hampton DUI Attorney before you plead guilty and go to jail or pay a fine
Whatever you do, do not make the mistake of pleading to drunk driving charges without getting your free initial consultation with a DUI or DWI lawyer in Hampton, Virginia. If you are guilty, you face the minimum penalties for DUI in Virginia, even if you there are mitigating circumstances or if you have a legitimate defense. Skilled Hampton DWI attorneys attack failed breathalyzer test results, failed field sobriety test results, even failed blood test results, depending on the facts of your case. Even when your case seems insurmountable at times, a skilled Hampton DUI attorney may potentially find an avenue of defense if the police failed to do their job correctly. Hampton DWI lawyers know how to defend your case in a court of law.
Reasons to Hire a Local Hampton DUI Attorney
Drunk driving charges can be crippling financially and emotionally. In the blink of an eye, your life can be ruined for a single mistake at the wheel. The legal process is quite unmanageable for someone not specifically trained to handle the judicial system. Good for you, you can work with a skilled Hampton DUI attorney to navigate through your legal issues. The difference between obtaining a skilled Hampton DUI lawyer and not obtaining one can be dramatic. The quality of your representation really does make a significant difference. Local Hampton DUI attorneys who have experience know how best to defend you by crafting arguments and negotiation strategies that are tailored to local Hampton courts, local Hampton judges, and local Hampton prosecutors. This local experience is critical to getting you a better outcome.
Under age and arrested for DWI?
Hampton DWI defense lawyers – Hampton DUI defense lawyers

DUI laws for Minors are tough. It is no secret that underage drivers face an uphill battle if arrested for DUI DWI in Virginia. A conviction for underage drunk driving is costly for the whole family. Minors have their entire life ahead of them – a DUI DWI conviction can negatively impact you in ways beyond criminal fines and jail time, like: job prospects, school entrance, social life, and insurance, just to name a few. Do not wait. Get the help you need today and contact a local Hampton defense lawyer. Hampton DWI defense attorneys on this website provide initial consultations for free.
What does an experienced Hampton defense lawyer do?
Usually, Hampton defense attorneys can help their clients in a variety of criminal matters. These attorneys, who are often very versatile, are called by a number of titles, such as: Hampton Misdemeanor DUI lawyer, Hampton felony DWI lawyer, Hampton Suspended License Lawyer, Hampton Criminal defense lawyer, etc.
Hampton DWI defense lawyers may be able to help you:
Challenge sobriety tests Challenge a breathalyzer test Protect your rights Get out of jail Appear at a Virginia license revocation hearing Secure Bail / Post Bail Defend you in court Hire an investigator Negotiate a plea deal Appear at a Virginia license suspension hearing Reduce the drunk driving charges filed against you Suppress test results Seal your record Challenge a blood test Suppress illegal evidence |
Controlling the costs: paying for your Hampton DUI attorney
Factors: There are two important factors you need to know that determine how much your dui legal representation will cost. They are: the specific facts of your case and how much your particular attorney charges. We’ll walk you through some helpful tips to control the final cost of your representation. Keep the following in mind: a drunk driving criminal record is far more expensive than the expense of any Hampton defense lawyer.
Fee Structure: Hampton DUI lawyers usually charge an hourly rate. That rate can vary between around $100 up to $500 per hour. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate a lump sum rate for your representation. Make sure you ask your Hampton DUI lawyer whether he or she charges per the hour or whether they have a flat fee option. You may be able to negotiate the flat fee.
Your Case: The particular facts of your case ultimately determine how much time your Hampton DUI lawyer will be required to spend on your case. Naturally, this has a direct impact on your legal bill. This is why it is important to spend as much time during your free initial consultation ironing out the facts of your case, your situation, etc., so that your attorney will have the best chance of giving you an estimate of your case. It is also important that you arrive at your meetings as prepared as possible. This should be very helpful toward saving you and your attorney time, and therefore save you money as well.
Fees versus Expenses: Also, you should be aware that fees for “expenses” incurred by your attorney for expert witnesses and other costs are usually charged above your attorney’s normal hourly rate.
Bail Bonding Companies in and near Hampton, Virginia
Eagle Bonding Co
Break Free Bail Bonds LLC |
Vicki Grant's Bail Bonding
King Grobel Bail Bonds |
Traffic Courts in Hampton, Virginia
If you have been issued a traffic ticket, your case will be heard in one of the following places:
City of Hampton General District Court - 8th Judicial Circuit |
If you are a juvenile, and facing a traffic matter, your case will be heard here:
City of Hampton Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court |
Criminal Courts in Hampton, Virginia
If you are charged with a felony or request a trial for your misdemeanor case, you case must be heard here:
City of Hampton Circuit Court - 8th Judicial Circuit |
If you are being charged with a misdemeanor, your claim will be here:
City of Hampton Circuit Court - 8th Judicial Circuit |
City of Hampton General District Court - 8th Judicial Circuit |
If you are a juvenile and facing a criminal charge, your case will be heard here:
City of Hampton Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court |
Hampton DUI attorney serve clients throughout Southeastern Virginia, including Capeville, Chesapeake, Cortland, Eastville, Franklin, Gloucester, Gloucester Point, Grafton, Hampton, Jamestown, Newport News, Norfolk, Petersburg, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Pungoteague, Richmond, Smithfield, Suffolk, Sussex, Totaro, Virginia Beach, Wane Neck, White Stone Beach, Williamsburg, areas in the vicinity of Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk International Terminals, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, NS-Norfolk, and other communities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.